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Creating Screenshots

You can create screenshots either using the Print Screen button on your keyboard and then pasting the image into any image editor and saving it as PNG, or better just install a proper image editor, like the free and open-source GIMP (links for Windows and Mac at the bottom of the page). To take a screenshot in Gimp, click on "File > Create > Screenshot".

Wikipedia has a good comparison of raster graphics editors.

Suggestions screenshot programs:

Regardless of what program you use, it is best if you save your screenshots to the PNG format (use maximum compression), and never resize them, since we sometimes have problems when people make their screenshots so small one cannot make anything out. If you want to use JPG, they will look nicer if you disable chroma subsampling (disabling it means setting it to "off", "none", "4:4:4" or "1/1" - these are all equivalent).

Uploading Files

If you need to upload FILES such as ZIP, 7z, TIFF, raw formats such as CR2, DNG, PEF, problematic files such as JPG (see note below), PNG, etc. try these sites:

Note: If you have JPG/PNG images which cause problems in RawTherapee, then we must get them exactly as you have them. Do not use "image sharing" websites, because those websites re-compress your images, so the image we get is not identical to the one you uploaded!

Wikipedia has an explanation and comparison of file hosting websites.

Uploading Screenshots

Do not upload JPG/PNG images which cause problems in RawTherapee to these websites! They will automatically process your uploads and although they might look the same, what you upload is not identical to what we will download. They are good enough for screenshots, nothing more. They typically accept screenshots up to 1 or 2MB.

Pasting Code

If you need to paste code in the forum (e.g. error messages, console output), it's easier to read if you use a monospace (fixed-width) font. You can do so using four methods:

  • If it's a short line of code, put it between single backticks, like this: `some code`
  • If its several lines of code, put three backticks on a line, then start a new line and put the code here, and end with three more backticks on a new line, like this:
  • Another method for either a single or several lines of code is to insert a blank line to separate this from previous text and then to indent each line of code with four space characters, like this:
Bla bla some normal text in a paragraph. The next line must be blank.

    some code
    notice the four spaces to the left
You can continue normal text here.
  • A final method for several lines of code is to put them between [code] [/code] tags, like this:
 / You see me because I    \
 \ use monospace font, moo /
        \   ,__,
         \  (oo)____
            (__)    )\
               ||--|| *

Alternatively, you can paste code on one of these sites:

Wikipedia has a good comparison of pastebins.

Creating Screencasts

A screencast is a recording of your desktop activity. This can be used to create tutorials, and to get others to help you better if you record whatever you're having a problem with. Sometimes when reporting a bug, you might be asked to record a screencast so that others can help you better.

Here is a list of free open source software for Windows for creating screencasts:

Linux users have several free screencast software options at their disposal, in no particular order:

vid="screencast"; \
crf="23"; \
preset="slower"; \
pushd /tmp/ && \
ffmpeg -y -f x11grab -show_region 1 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0+0,0 -an -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 -threads 0 /dev/shm/${vid}.mp4 && \
ffmpeg -y -ss 00:00:02 -i /dev/shm/${vid}.mp4 -an -c:v libx264 -preset ${preset} -crf ${crf} -s 1920x1080 -s hd720 -sws_flags lanczos -threads 0 ~/${vid}_${crf}crf_${preset}_`date +%F_%H%M%S`.mp4 && \
popd && ls -l /dev/shm/${vid}*.mp4 && ls -l ~/${vid}*.mp4 && rm --interactive /dev/shm/${vid}*.mp4

Wikipedia has a good comparison of screencasting software and list of screencasting software.

Once you create a screencast, use one of the file hosting sites listed above to upload it and then paste the link to it to the appropriate thread in the forum.